Thursday, February 23, 2012


My heart hurts.
My best friend lost her husband
to cancer yesterday.
He was 57.

Raymond was such a special man.
In our 33 year friendship, I never heard 
him raise his voice, yet he raised two sons. 
They grew into men 
who loved and respected him.

He lived his religion without preaching it. 

For many years he had a sign ministry at our church.
Members, the community, and travelers who passed our church
were uplifted by his weekly messages.
It was just something he wanted to do.

He and Beverly started a porch ministry.  
They welcomed new people to the church
with a short visit right after they first attended.

He and Beverly were happily married for 34 years.
I remember her saying she couldn't remember 
a time when they weren't married.

We had a wonderful visit with them three short weeks ago.
We made some wonderful memories, not knowing they would be our last.
I wish we had taken pictures, but we just did ordinary things.

This is a picture of Raymond and his granddaughter.

He was loved by many and will be missed.