It was a rough day.
I spent an hour on the phone with customer service for Comcast.
Mom and Dad live in Florida for the winter.
They suspend their tv/internet/phone services when they come home.
Somehow Daddy ended up with a bill for $563.
I talked to a nice man last Friday for an hour,
but he was unable to help me.
He told me I needed to request snowbird service.

After an hour and three customer service representatives,
I was told that their service had been disconnected in June.
They will need to return the Comcast equipment ~
remember they live in VA, right? ~
and their bill will be resolved.
Then they will need to start a new service plan
with a new phone number.
I think Comcast was so unfeeling.

After that frustrating morning, I drove to Blacksburg to stay with Mom.
She and I met Daddy at Wendy's for lunch.
It was funny because Daddy said he was worried that Mom wasn't eating.
Mom then ate a baked potato, a hamburger, and drank her entire glass of tea!
Daddy left to play bridge and Mom and I hung out at Wendy's for awhile.
When it was time to leave, Mom had trouble walking.
One lady offered to help, so I asked her if she would open the doors for us.
Then a man said he would walk along with us.
He walked on the other side of Mom while I supported her to the car.
People can be so kind.

Then I took Mom to Walmart.
When we walked in the store (well, Mom rolled in her wheelchair), it was pretty dark.
They were having an electrical problem, and most of the lights were out.
But, it was so hard to get Mom in and out of the car and in the wheelchair that we were staying!
We looked at VaTech stuff, craft supplies, and clothes for Cate and William.
Best of all, a woman came up to Mom and said,
"You taught me in fifth grade!"
Mom has been retired for 24 years.
Wasn't it amazing that she remembered Mom?

We came home and rested until Mom's doctor's appointment.
She needed to have her stitches removed.
It was quite an ordeal to get Mom in the wheelchair to my car, then in the car, then reverse
it all to get her into the office.
(Mom hasn't needed the wheelchair before this week.)
She seemed apprehensive about having the stitches come out
and started crying.
The doctor said they were the tiniest stitches he had ever seen.
He had a difficult time with them and
Mom continued to cry and hyper-ventilate.
Her doctor, nurse, and I felt so bad for her.
When we got home, Daddy was waiting and worried.
I made the mistake of telling him that Mom was scared.
Then he cried and Mom ~ who can't talk ~ tried to comfort him.
Then I cried.
It was a rough day.
*Surely you all know that I didn't take these pictures, except the one of my Dad. I took them from a Google page. I hope that is okay.
I worked for a cable company years ago and it was bought out by Comcast... they shut down our office and outsourced the call center. I don't have much good to say about them at all. :(
I'm glad that your mom got the stitches out and hope she's feeling better now. Keep us posted on how your parents are doing.
Grammy! o my gawsh - that was a rough day! What are the ages of your parents? Mine have been gone a long time ago, but I miss them everyday. My parents were old cusses when they had me; Dad 42 & Mom 37. they were WONDERFUL people even if they were oldish parents.
Hope tomorrow is much better for you.
Have I thanked you for following me?
well, thank you so much -
especially when we were wondering who was who and what was what, huh?
I was at Walmart today too - most of it was nice without the way-too-intrusive light.
Other than that - I am sorry your day was so rough. I hope you can find the strength to focus on the positives - the student and the kind people - and just carry those with you throughout the rest of the week.
With love <3
It does sound like a rough day. You are so kind to help your parents as they get older. They sound like wonderful parents. Hope tomorrow is better for you.
Sorry for the tough day :( Do you have a "transfer chair" for your Mom, the one with small wheels that you have to push, she can't operate it herself? Much lighter and smaller and easier to lift in and out of the car than the regular style. Let me know if you need details, you may already have one. Hugs ~ Mary
Oh I am so sorry you had such a rough day. I wouldn't know what to do if my parents had ever cried!
I have never heard anything good about comcast - we have them - and they have never ever worked with us either.
Praying for you daily. I hate that you're having a hard time. Despite how it may feel sometimes, you'll never have regrets as you've done ALL that could ever be expected for Grandma and Grandpa. They are so lucky to have you as their daughter.
oh no...I missed so many of your posts! So sorry to hear about your mom's fall and the stitches and the rough day....but God is so gracious to send nice people along the way, meeting your mom's student was a nice surprise too. So good to hear that your mom is so brave too! I like how the story ended...what a sweet scene...it brought tears to my eyes too....your parents are so so lovely...and you are a excellent daughter too! I hope Comcast will be gracious to your parents...maybe you should write in to the manager to relate your story.
Beautiful pictures! When we went to Florida for a month and a half, We called Comcast before hand and were told we should put our services on seasonal hold. I want to tell you right now that it was the FIRST time we haven't had trouble with Comcast. Many people who blog refer to it as f...cast. I think they alone are responsible for most of the alcholics in the world. Could they not have given your mom something for her anxiety and pain? They should have and while your dad cried also....I could just cry myself thinking of such a great love they must have.
I admire you for taking such good care of your parents. My Dad did the same for his mother before she passed away this past spring. He said she worked and sacrificed much so that he and his four siblings had what they needed. He felt visiting her, taking prepared food to her and letting her know he appreciated her was the least he should do in return. He wanted to know that he had done his best and would have no guilt when she was gone. You have a hard life doing all that you do for your parents but your conscience will be clear that you, too have done what you could for them. I am sure there is a special reward in heaven for kind hearted people like you and my Dad. Don't forget to take care of yourself and take time to do something fun every now and then!! Have you done any crafting lately? Heehee. I laugh because you have said many times how bad you are at crafting(which I don't believe).
Anyway, hope things get straightened out so there will be one less worry for you. -------- Shannon
My dad and stepmom are Florida snowbirds also, they spend their summer in Canada. They got rid of their cable and now have Canadian cable down here but I do know my dad had many issues with Comcast prior to this...you'd think with all the snowbirds they have they'd come up with a better solution!
Very sweet for your dad to cry over your mom's pain...true love!
Very tough day indeed; I'm glad a few kind people were able to brighten it just a tiny bit.
Hang in there! Often it seems like the rough days might outnumber the smooth ones... But then you think back to remember how many kind people helped, and how wonderful your parents are... And the rough patches start to seem more like scenery. You're a strong lady!
I feel your pain... I know exactly how hard your day was .... before Lynn retired I had the task of taking mom to her appointments in the wheelchair,.. grueling .... with doors and often times unthinking people who could have held a door for us but didnt think of it.... I am so glad you experienced the kindmess of others.. but all of that plus just the pain of seeing our mother's enduring pain and hardship is very emotional, as well... I truly believe we share a "sisterhood" tried by the fire of love and commitment to our parents...God is so good to surprise us with tender mercies like the past student who remembered your mother as her teacher so many years previously. Your mom must have had a powerful impact on her... That is awesome!
Comcast definitely was unfeeling. It is so frustrating to have to talk to customer service person after person and get no real help.
You had quite a day. I hope your mom is feeling better today and is calmer now that her stitches are out.
Oh dear my friend, it WAS a rough day, especially when the three of you ended up crying like that. Bless! I do hope that your mum will soon not need the wheelchair again. It's awful to fall like that when you get older. I think it really shakes you up, and sometimes people lose their confidence a little. I will pray for your mum and dad. Good that you were able to spend some time with her, even though it was awkward with getting the wheelchair in and out of the car! Let's hope that the next week will be less stessful for you. Take care. I'm afraid that these large Companies don;t have any heart at all :(
Aww, I hope all is well with your mom now.
I work for Comcast and I just wanted to post to offer my help. I can reach out to my local colleagues to look into their account and ensure that their concerns are addressed.
If you are interested in my help, please do not hesitate to contact me and provide a link to this page for reference.
Best regards,
Mark Casem
Comcast Corp.
National Customer Operations
What a day. I know how you feel. When my mom and dad are out of sorts it just weighs on me. Many times I have had a sick mother along with a depressed and emotional dad. Hang in there friend. You can lay your head down at night and sleep peacefully knowing you have been the best daughter ever. Oh...do you think that comment from Comcast is the real deal? I sure hope so.
I have experienced the same thing with my phone company after many phone calls and hours talking we finally got it resolved. I feel for you about your mom and dad. I am 81 and my biggest fear is having my children having to care for me. I am on coumidin and have hemoraged twiceGlad you had a good laugh as my alhimer brother says you do what you have to do. I would like to be your friend maybe we can laugh together,lol,
Sounds like "one of those days"....but really, how sweet that your Mama tried to comfort your Daddy when he was sad that she was sad. How precious is that? As for the cable company...boo hiss to them! One more reason we just have an antenna.
Hi Pat, I have been so late in catching up on all my blog reading and sorry to read what a terrible day you had before writing this post. Shame on those Comcast folks for not being more helpful and understanding; kudos to those other kind people. Special kudos to you for handling everything including your parents pain and apprehension. Hope you mom is feeling real better soon.
I think your mom's former student was put into her day so she would have a bright spot. That is so amazing to have a student recognize her after such a long time. She must look great!
How lucky they were to have you there to guide and support them through this very "rough day".
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