Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sunday Thoughts


My deck was covered with leaves yesterday morning. As I swept, I wondered again why the builder had built this deck with boards running vertically in one section, yet horizontally in the next.
It's so much easier to sweep when the boards run vertically, the same direction that I'm sweeping. That made me think how much better life is when I'm moving in God's direction, not my own.
About that time, the wind started blowing in the same direction I was sweeping. I took that as a sign that God was agreeing with my thoughts.

Direct me in the path of your commands,
for there I find delight.
Psalm 119:35


Maggie said...

Wise words to ponder on as I head out to work in my vegetable garden.
Thanks for stopping by

Jackie said...

I enjoyed your post. I agree that are great words of advice to ponder.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

I love your Sunday thought and am carefully considering how it will impact my week ahead. We don't have to make it as hard as we do. Merci, mon amie!
